Ensuring a Healthy Product Backlog in Jira: A Comprehensive Checklist

Maintaining a healthy product backlog is paramount to the success of any software development endeavor. Jira, a widely utilized tool in the field, offers a platform for organizing and managing product backlogs efficiently. However, adherence to a comprehensive checklist is essential to ensure that your Jira backlog remains robust and conducive to streamlined development.


  1. Epic refined for the upcoming quarter 
  2. Epics are vertically sliced 
  3. Epics are small enough to finish within a quarter 
  4. Epics are estimated 
  5. Epics acceptance criteria have been defined. 
  6. Epics are prioritized 
  7. Epics are kept up to date 

User Stories 

  1. Sprint goal defined 
  2. User Stories Refined for the next 2 sprints 
  3. Stories have who, what, and why defined. 
  4. Stories are prioritized 
  5. Stories are prioritized 
  6. Stories are vertically sliced 
  7. Stories have acceptance criteria defined 
  8. Stories are small enough to finish in a sprint 
  9. Stories meet the INVEST criteria. 

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